Mentally WILLED
Abuse of any kind can be devastating to victims, especially to children who experience abusive relationships. They are most susceptible and vulnerable to the consequences of such relationships, being unable to care for themselves, and are in many cases dependent upon those abusing them. In one particular and insidious form of emotional abuse known as "gaslighting," a victim is psychologically conditioned, over a long period of time, to question reality. In some cases, this form of abuse can be so extreme that a victim will even question their own sanity, with devastating, and life-altering consequences.
Resisting gaslighting abuse only makes the effects of it even more pronounced, for the victim. Many people who experience gaslighting abuse for an extended period of time may eventually accept the altered reality that they have been conditioned to accept. In the case of children who experience gaslighting abuse, it is nearly impossible for them to ever fully recover, or to even remove themselves from an abusive relationship. Even many adults who experience significant gaslighting abuse in relationships eventually fall victim to believing an altered version of reality.
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